26 February 2023

Portfolio Project: Film Opening Task WEEK 3 [POST 4/4]


[POST 4/4]


I recently came across some fonts that I am considering using for my film opening. I didn't want the font to be too plain or too overwhelming but detailed enough to acknowledge as a pleasant font to see on the screen while also applying to the film's genre or the name. 

The font Astigma caught my eye first. No matter how much this appeals to me, however, it seems to be too detailed to be on screen.

With this thought in mind, I was then considering a more simple font as many movies use a more simple font on screen-- likely to just briefly allow the audience to acknowledge the title without taking too much attention away from the film itself. Additionally, this font doesn't seem to match the genre of fantasy or romance very much, but I kept it in my options because I personally like it.

Though, I still wanted my font to reflect the film's tone or at least the context or title. Letters with loose strokes, perhaps.

I found Regista while thinking of this, but still, it looks a bit too detailed. It's quite round and loose, something that seems like it could fit the romance genre. 

I thought parts of the strokes were too thick, so I scavenged for other fonts. I came across Callient which also was quite round and string-like, but it may be a bit too thin.
I want to choose between one of these three as I believe they reflect the title and context of the film-- or something similar to these at least. I will use these to reference my final font. 

I might end up choosing something simpler and easier on the eye, but I would prefer something like the last two at least

Website used for font-finding: https://www.dafont.com/

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