25 February 2024

Building a Story (iii)

Here are some characters I am planning to use (or maybe not, it's just to choose from)

Sabotage is essentially preventing one from success.

MC: Controlling, manipulative; genuinely for LI's own good because of the way LI is
Love Interest: Gullible but kind, falls for tricks and such (catches on late, or doesn't at all)
Sabotage 1: Lie about the character
Sabotage 2: Expose the character
Sabotage 3: Destroy something of importance of character
Sabotage 4: Manipulating the character to do something bad (illegal, immoral)

Sabotage is to get the LI to stray away from those characters, being that they are harmful to them but they are still unaware of the damage, which MC notices.

This is all for story idea 1, I am planning to make an outline of this but if it doesn't turn out well I must create a few more ideas or outlines. 

Additionally, for this particular idea of sabotage, I'm thinking of using a game, Yandere Simulator, for some of their sabotage ideas for inspiration. Though not entirely of course, especially since their main character is more evil than I am creating.

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